daito 1


These long swords, measure more than 2 shaku (the unit of measurement for length in Japan), approximately 60,60 cm. They were carried by Japanese warriors. Katanas are often described as the main weapon in manga and games, but in reality they were used as auxiliary weapons when the bow and arrow were exhausted or the spear broke.



The nodachi (野太刀) is a Japanese longsword characterized by its extremely long blade. It was used primarily by the samurai class of feudal Japan and was known for its strength and cutting ability.

The nodachi was often carried slung across the back, and as such it was not easily drawn in combat. As a result, it was less effective in close combat, but its strength and range made it a fearsome weapon against several foes.

The nodachi was more frequently carried as a ceremonial sword or used for training than it was for actual combat. The nodachi was reported to be so heavy and awkward that only the most powerful samurai could use it efficiently.



wakizashi 1


Despite not being as well-known as the iconic conventional katana, this weapon is equally as significant. The wakizashi, also known as shoto, is a short sword. This traditional Japanese sword is between 30 and 60 centimeters long. When their katana was rendered useless, they would employ this backup weapon.

tanto 1


“Tan” means “short”, and “To” means “sword” in Japanese. A tanto is therefore a general term for swords with a short blade length of 1 shaku (30.3 cm) or less. There are also double-edged items such as swords and armor buckles with extremely thick layers. In the Edo period, one left one’s sword at the entrance of the host’s house, while the tanto was kept with one. It was the only way to defend oneself against any attack or trap.

The term dagger was given relatively recently. Since daggers can be used by weak women and children, they were mainly used as self-defense weapons. The most famous self-defense dagger that survives to this day is the imperial treasure dagger called “Hirano Toshiro”.

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Tachi (太刀) were typically longer than katana, with a blade length of over 60 cm (2 ft). Tachi blades also tended to be more curved than katana blades, making them better suited for slashing rather than thrusting. Tachi swords were often used in cavalry battles, as the longer reach and extra weight made them ideal for hacking down enemy soldiers from horseback. Tachi swords are considered to be some of the most beautiful and elegant examples of Japanese sword craftsmanship.

Tachi were in use during the Kofun period. Tachi were also worn by the famous samurai Minamoto no Yoshitsune during the late Heian period and early Kamakura period.


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Japanese Samurai sword